The phallic cult


            1. The best attested operation of the phallic cult in the ancient world is that of the Canaanites who lived in the land before the Jews did.

            2. The immorality of the phallic cult is described in detail in Leviticus 18:3-25 in which all types of sexual sins are all described. And with these the height of these things is a human sacrifice — Leviticus 20:1-5. All human sacrifice in history has been related to the phallic cult.

            3. In Deuteronomy 12:29-31 the phallic cult includes fornication, homosexuality, bestiality, and incest.

            4. Behind all of this sexual activity as a part of their worship is an actual system of doctrine — false doctrine, doctrine of demons. The Canaanitish pantheon is like the Hellenistic pantheon. It has a supreme being. The Canaanites called their supreme being El. The Greeks called theirs Zeus. The Romans called Zeus “Jupiter.” But whether it is any of these you have at the top a supreme being, and he was always the greatest of all sex athletes. He is always portrayed as seducing goddesses in heaven, women in the human race.

            5. In the pantheon of the phallic cult the supreme being always has a wife. The wife of El is called Ashera; Zeus has a wife called Hera, and so on.

            6. El and his wife have a son called Baal. He becomes a counterfeit of Jesus Christ, just as Apollos is the son of Zeus and becomes a counterfeit of Jesus Christ. Baal provides rain for the crops — blessing in the economy of the ancient world; fertility for procreation — social-sexual happiness implied.

            7. In the Epic of Eugarit we have the story which is repeated in all of the phallic cult systems of all the people of the ancient world. Baal and Mot are great enemies. Mot is the god of death and there is a fight between Baal and Mot. In this great struggle between the two, since Mot is the god of death, Mot overcomes Baal and kills him. This explains the long, hot summer. Every year when summer comes around it is hot because Baal is dead. This is a counterfeit of Christ on the cross.

            8. But Baal has a wife-sister. She is always his wife, always his sister, and it is always incest. Ball’s wife is called Aneth. She finds the body of Baal and brings him back to life — a counterfeit resurrection.

            9. Aneth is the goddess of sex, warfare, murder and the prosperity in agriculture. In every phallic cult in every part of the world there is always an Aneth. When the Jews conquered the Canaanites on the battlefield the Canaanites later conquered the Jews in the area of the phallic cult. This is why we have so much information about the phallic cult in the Old Testament.